Euclidean metric
- 网络欧几里得度量

The applications in wireless sensor network using Graph surface embedding For the planar graph formed by wireless sensor network , we assign it a Euclidean metric and embed it in the complex plane , by optimizing a Mobius transformation , we can map the graph onto the sphere .
Application of Gradient Method to the Model of Euclidean Metric Location Selection
A non Euclidean metric which is capacity Rule and mapping Rule for the design of optimal MLC scheme over mobile fading channels is proposed .
Meanwhile , because the boundary of a Voronoi cell contains parabolic or hyperbolic curves in the Euclidean metric , it is difficult to compute the Voronoi cell area in practice .
Integrated Dynamic Radio Resource Management Based on Euclidean Distance Metric
Mobile Assisted Handoff Based on Euclidean Distance Metric On The Distance Sets
We investigated integrated dynamic radio resource management using Euclidean distance metric as a decision criterion for handoff and admission control , considering five resource management tasks in an integrated way .
Research on the approximated algorithms for k-Median problem has been a focus of computer scientists , and most of the existing results are based on the Euclidean and Metric k-Median problem . However , results for general distance space k-Median has not been found for many years .